Sunday, February 8, 2015

Video Concepts in the works

As some of you know, there's a story line the songs are based on, involving a clown who becomes demon- possessed and goes insane. I can't give all the details on that story away yet but, considering the.... er, lack of literary writing skills among band members, I'll see if I can work with them on writing the story down and getting it printed in the next CD sleeve. For now, the Quorum is doing what it does best: Telling the story with music and conjuring up a video.

There are several potential non- band cast members for the video who are being considered, but obviously I can't go blabbing that info already. I'll find out more soon and see if there's a possibility of auditions, or if the Singular Mind of the Quorum has its collective heart set on its cast. I'm pretty sure the clown is in the bag, but that's all I know.

Adventure! Danger! Intrigue! Clowns! Demons! Really exciting instruments!!!

Stay tuned, kids.

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